Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Analysis of factors affecting students in choosing the college of management information systems and computer science "amikom" yogyakarta

The need for education has been more crucial in employment competition lately in view of the fact that human resource selection by employers is based on certain education level and expertise relevant to the occupational preference. The College of Management Information Systems and Computer Science (STMIK) AMIKOM Yogyakarta as a Private Higher Educational Institution is aimed at achieving the goals of national education by accomplishing the Triadic Function of Higher Education (Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi) including education, research and community services.

Qualitative data were analyzed and described in percentage and presented in form of tables based on the respondents' responses in both numeric and non-numeric data. Quantitative analysis was conducted by testing a group of variables that was appropriately considered as a factor based on the criteria that the Eigen value should be greater than or equal to unity.
The contribution of each factor to decision-making process was viewed from the total value of variance for each factor. Whereas, the role of each variable within a factor was determined by the loading factor of the respective variable, where the variable with the greatest loading factor would have the main role within the factor.

The results of analysis on service, facility and marketing mix factors considered by the students in their preference and admission to the College of AMIKOM Yogyakarta showed that all factors deserved to consider. Twenty-two variables under consideration were grouped into 6 factors, i.e., service, facility, promotion, price, product and campus location.

Among 6 factors considered by the students in their preference and admission to the College of AMIKOM Yogyakarta, the factor of service delivered by the College management constituted the most crucial factor with a variance value of 22.880%, indicating that 22.880% of student candidates would consider the service delivered by the college management; then followed by the factor of facility 8.348%; the factor of promotion 7.593%, the factor of price 7.377%; the factor of product 6.736%. Whereas the location of AMIKOM campus at Jalan Ring Road Utara constituted the least significant consideration with a variance value of 5.430%, indicating that 5.430% of student candidates would consider the campus location.

The percentage of cumulative variance contribution of the six factors considered by the students in their preference and admission to the Collage of AMIKOM Yogyakarta was 58.565. It indicated that the six factors were able to account for the variables considered by the students or consumers in their preference and admission to the College of AMIKOM Yogyakarta to the extent of 58.365%. The remaining percentage of 41.635% was explained by variables outside the model.

Further research is recommended in view of the limitation of this study that merely considered and tested the variables of service, facility and marketing mix. Conceptually, there are many other variables considered by student candidates in their preference and admission to the College of AMIKOM Yogyakarta such as cultural, socio-political, economic, technological factors and others.

(Source :http://journal.amikom.ac.id)


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