Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Anatomy And Organizational Learning System

The principle of learning in terms of organizational development is the Change Challenge. Accepting the challenge and managing change is the key word of the learning process. Anatomy of the organization "of the brain, heart and blood". As the motor must always be a role model other organs. Was "the skeleton and muscles" in addition to being a follower must also function as a creator in the field.

In reality, the learning process is not going well. He through the long stages to create a culture, in addition to also take a relatively long time. The stages also lived presupposes a conducive climate for the whole organ organization sensed value changes.

Can take a relatively short path by applying the three stages of the learning process, which began with a paradigm of thinking and new ways (unfreezing old learning), organize the process and setting priorities (movement to new learning) and refreshment back a learned behavior occurs through the application of reinforcement and feedback bali (refreezing the learned behavior).


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