Friday, October 23, 2009

Joomla 1.5.8 Installation Guide

Previously apologize if this new article I created. Because I'm sure all readers actually have a lot of far more schools of or skilled in using joomla. I write this because there are some requests from friends who still do not understand about joomla and want to learn about joomla, ranging from initial installation process.

And I write the following step - joomla 1.5.8 installation steps.
1. First extract the master Joomla into localhost.
2. Open your browser and then type in addresnya http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ (make sure you have installed the first web server on your computer. Can use xampp, Wamp, etc., if you know bellum installasinya process you can click here to find out the installation process web server)
3. Create a database to store the reply function data2 yg all included in your site.
4. Once finished creating the database, and then type in addresbar http://localhost/my_web/
5. Select language, then click next.
6. Then click the next button so on until you are asked to fill in the configuration database as follows:
Database name: mysql
Host name: localhost
User name: root
Password: (blank only)
Database name: web_saya (in accordance with the database name reply has been made in step 3 above).
When finished click the next button.
7. After that click the circle No to Enable FTP File System Layer (for file system windows). Then click the next button.
8. In the main configuration window, fill out the following:

Site name: You decide, for example Information Technology & General Education.

Confirm the admin e-mail address and password
Your e-mail: write your email address.
Admin Password: password written reply you want.
Confirm Admin Password: repeat the write password you created earlier reply.

Load Sample Data, restore, or migrate back up content
Choose the default option, and click install sample data. Wait until there is a statement Succesfully Sample data installed!, And then click the button after the next.

9. Installation process has finished, but we can not go to the page we have joomla installed reply if there is directory INSTALLATION. This system is the security consideration of joomla.
10. We must remove the installation directory in the c:\Wamp\www\my_web.
learn more... Joomla! 1.5: A User's Guide: Building a Successful Joomla! Powered Website (2nd Edition)


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